
Having stayed awake for the large majority of the night, our team only just submitted our proposal in time with most of the management team working manically in the last few minutes to print out originals of the slides.

Come 8am, we switched from pajamas to suits and made our way to the presentation theater at the KSC. Unsurprisingly, most of us slept through the other teams’ presentations and woke up just long enough to present our own. After some gruelling questions from the judges, we stopped for lunch and had the opportunity to tour the KSC and spend time in the gift shop.

Back in the theater, the judges went through the good and bad points of everyone’s proposals and eventually announced the winner. Unfortunately we didn’t win, but those of us who can still enter the competition next year will certainly try to again!

We’ve had an amazing week in Florida and are really grateful for being given the chance to represent the UK in such a competition. The valuable experience we’ve gained will undoubtedly help us all in the future.