Personal PCBs

Established in 2029 by Thomas Tezla, Personal PCBs supported some of the earliest ventures of the Foundation Society and market themselves as the solar system’s finest custom electronics manufacturer. Upon construction of Bellevistat they were given a complimentary fabrication plant there to allow them to be closer to their end users reducing transport costs.

Personal PCBs manufacture pretty much any electronic device using a large variety of consumer and professional chips based on RISC-V instruction set, and their open source derivatives.

Using material gained from asteroid mining, their electronics have prices comparable to custom electronics found on earth. All their electronics have a 4 year warranty (dependent on proof of shielding and good power regulation) and are shock and acceleration resistant.

This webpage refers to a fictional company which is part of the UK Space Design Competition. No information presented here or implied herefrom should be regarded as factual. Any similarities with real events, places, or persons are purely coincidental.