ISSDC 2017: The Party’s Over
ISSDC17: The UK and EU teams immerse themselves in the local culture
Brian Kong, leader of the EU team
ISSDC17: UK and EU teams have an amazing first day at Universal Studios!
Yes, here we are in Orlando for the International Final of 2017! The UKSDC has brought THREE teams of brilliant students this year – here was their first day out, in their own words:
International Space Settlement Design Competition (ISSDC)
Calling all reserves from the UK SDC Finals!
NASA team announcement
International Space Settlement Design Competition The following students will represent the UK in the International Finals at the Kennedy Space Center the last weekend of July, 2017.
Watch this space!
Congratulations to everyone who competed – you gave the judges an extremely difficult task; their deliberations took a lot longer than usual. The twelve NASA bound students from the winning company, (Doueldyne-Flechtel), will be announced later today.