UKSDC Finals and UK Team announcement for the ISSDC

Well done to all the participants at the UKSDC finals – your excellent presentations gave the judges a most difficult task. They said that this was the closest marking they had ever known on any UKSDC event.

Video Entries

The video entry RFP will be released September 29.

Rooming Arrangements

All team leaders have now been sent the rooming arrangements for overnight accommodation.   Any changes required to the grouping of students must be received in the UKSDC office 23:59 tonight (Wednesday 16 March).

Five weeks to go!

Hope all 230 participants from England, Scotland and Wales* are getting into the mindset of being 60 years in the future. Have a great half term break! *This year, for the first time, the UK SDC will host a small group of students from European countries including Brussels, Greece, Germany and France and four students […]